The Undersigned for himself/herself as a participant, and on behalf of his/her child or ward as a
participant, as applicable (the “Undersigned”), hereby forever releases and discharges RP23 Athletics,
LLC, its affiliated entities and their respective assignees, successors, officers, directors, agents,
representatives, employees, subcontractors, sponsors and /or corporate partners, shareholders,
partners, members and affiliates (collectively, the “RP23 Athletics Entities”) from all present and future
liabilities, debts, obligations, costs, expenses, damages, losses, charges, judgments, executions, liens,
claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or description, in equity or a law
(herein, the “Released Claims”), which the Undersigned may now have, or may or could or shall
hereafter have against the RP23 Athletics Entities, whether known or unknown, suspected or
unsuspected asserted or not asserted, arising out of activities related to and participation in the RP23
Athletics, LLC Basketball Camp (the “Event”), even if the risk and liabilities that the Undersigned is
releasing by the Release and Waiver of Liability arise out of the negligence or carelessness of the RP23
Athletics Entities, whether active or passive, or from any hidden, latent or obvious defects in any of the
facilities or equipment used, of one or more of the RP23 Athletics Entities.
The Undersigned represents and warrants to the RP23 Athletics Entities that he/she has full
power and authority to execute and deliver this Release. The Undersigned further indemnifies and
holds harmless the RP23 Athletics Entities from any and all claims, charges, liabilities, obligations and
demands (including reasonable attorney’s fees) brought against the RP23 Athletics Entities in
connection with the Event, whether now existing or arising in the future, and accepts all legal
responsibility for his/her actions or participation in the Event. The Undersigned understands,
acknowledges and accepts that this Release is limited to be binding on the Undersigned, the
Undersigned’s family, estate, heirs, executors, administrators and assigns.
The Undersigned further understands, acknowledges and accepts that participation in the Event
involves certain inherent risks, including but not limited to serious bodily injury (including death) and
agrees that he/she is voluntarily participating in the Event with full knowledge of the risks involved and
accepts such risk.
The Undersigned understands, acknowledges and accepts the possibility that the Undersigned
or his/her successors may not now fully know the number or magnitude of all the Released Claims, but
nevertheless intends to assume the risk by releasing such unknown claims, and agrees that this Release
and Waiver of Liability is a full and final release and waiver of all the Released Claims. This Release is the
complete agreement between the Undersigned and the RP23 Athletics Entities and supersedes all prior
agreements or understandings written or oral. This Release may not be amended or modified other
than by a written agreement executed by all the parties hereto or their respective successors and legal
Further, for valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the
Undersigned grants the RP23 Athletics Entities or any entity connected with the Event, the rights to use
the participant’s image, likeness and name in connection with marketing and promotional activities.
This grant includes, without further obligation, the rights to use and publish participant’s image, voice,
likeness, photograph, biographical information, and videotaped footage individually or in conjunction
with others in any medium, including television, video, print, Internet and any and all other media for
advertising promotional and trade purposes in conjunction with this and similar promotions in
perpetuity, without any notice or further compensation. The Undersigned understands that any photos,
film, videos, audio or other visual, audio or digital images created become the sole property of the RP23
Athletics Entities for any use, including for commercial purposes. The Undersigned understands that
he/she will have no claim to compensation, benefits, rights or royalties. The Undersigned will not hold
the RP23 Athletics Entities responsible for the use of images or information by any party, in any form.
This Release shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of
Missouri, without reference to the principles of conflict of laws. The Undersigned acknowledges and
accepts that if any portion of this Release and Waiver of Liability is invalid, the remainder will continue
in full legal force and effect. The parties agree to arbitrate any dispute in Kansas City, Missouri before a
mutually agreeable arbitrator using the rules of the American Arbitration Association then in effect. The
parties reserve the right to appeal any arbitration award.
Each of the paragraphs contained in this Release shall be enforced independently of every other
paragraph in this Release, and the invalidity or non-enforceability of any paragraph shall not invalidate
any other paragraph in this Release. This Release has been entered into voluntarily and not as a result
of coercion, duress, or undue influence.
** Please agree to the Photo Release and Waiver guidelines