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                                                Health and Safety Guidelines:


This camp will follow the up-to-date COVID-19 health and safety guidelines put in place by the host facility. All camp participants, spectators and staff will be required to abide by the following guidelines of the host facility, as well as the guidelines listed below, in order to prioritize and maintain the health and safety of all participants, parents, and staff.



  • ï‚·    If the participant has a temperature over 100.4 degrees, persistent cough, or other indications

          of illness, please do not leave your home.


  • ï‚·    Please wash your hands with soap and water to endure the safety of players, coaches, and staff.


  •     There will be no communal water. All players must have their own individual water and clearly

          mark their name on it.


  • ï‚·    Please bring your own ball. RP23 Athletics will provide sanitized extra equipment if needed,

          subject to availability.


  • ï‚·     If an injury occurs during camp, the immediate health and safety of the injured player will

           remain a top priority. Care will be taken when addressing small injuries (i.e. handing out band-
           aids, etc). Parents will be notified immediately if their assistance is needed with injury care


*** Please agree to the Health and Safety guidelines.

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